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From Golden to Gilmore: An Evening With Stan Zimmerman (A TBE Sisterhood Event)

Join TBE's Sisterhood as we welcome back
Stan Zimmerman, a Temple Beth El alumni. Stan is an award-winning writer and producer of Golden Girls, Gilmore Girls, and others. He will discuss his book, "The Girls: From Golden to Gilmore" with moderator Cheryl Chodun. This fun evening includes a copy of his book and a delicious dessert reception in our sukkah.

There will be a special pre-glow prior to the event for all TBE paid-up sisterhood members only.

This event is open to the community - all are welcome!

For more information about this event, contact Irene Soble at

For assistance with this form, contact Nicole Jahr, Director of Community Engagement at
248-865-0623 or

   Paid-up Sisterhood Member (there is no charge for this event)
   $30 per person (includes book and dessert reception)
   $100 Donation (to be used for similar programming)

To become a member of TBE Sisterhood, click here.
Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784